11 April 2007

Rich boys buying corporate toys

When it comes to money, men are known to go and buy houses, sports cars or yachts. But when it comes to lots and lots of money, those men can't help but go and buy corporate toys.
Really big companies. Companies in trouble. Companies in industries that they know very little about.
I wonder what's the thrill? If you create your own company it's your passion. You know every little detail about it. But if you buy into business it's already someone else's child.
Somebody else's soul was put into that. I'd personally enjoy buying houses or yachts much more.


Unknown said...

I guess its some bit of an ego trip for guys. At least if I had the money, it would be for me :)

Asya said...

i wonder what else would the guys do to exercise their ego?

Unknown said...

I guess you really wouldnt want to know...